Dec 24, 2015 · A crop of purple or red bumps in an itchy rash, known as lichen planus, can affect the penis, in addition to several other areas of the body. This is …
I have lots of little bumps (almost like goosebumps or whiteheads) on my penis. Is this a sign that something is wrong? – Colin* If you’ve never had sex, little white bumps on the shaft of the penis may be pimples, a skin cyst, or ingrown hairs.
The first sign of penile cancer is most often a change in the skin of the penis. This is most likely to be on the glans (tip) of the penis or on the foreskin (in uncircumcised men), but it can also be on the shaft.
Lichen planus is a rare skin condition characterized by raised, flat, violet-colored bumps on the glans of the penis. The bumps sometimes have fine white streaks and a smooth surface. The lesions often appear in a ring or a line and may or may not be itchy.
An allergic reaction to a new soap, shampoo or lubricant can also provoke the spread of bumps. Even though many types of spots are perfectly normal, some bumps on penis are caused by sexually transmitted diseases. Penis bumps can be a sign of genital herpes. The most common STD that induces bumps on penis is herpes type two. The first sign is usually a brownish or reddish …
Some penis bumps are caused by sexually transmitted diseases. Herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2), known as HSV-2, is the most common sexual cause of bumps on or around the penis. HSV-1 and HSV-2 both cause genital herpes .
It is cord like swelling seen vertically or horizontally on the shaft of penis usually after vigorous sex or masturbation.Rough masturbation and prolonged intense sex sessions is the main culprit for lump on penis.
Fordyce spots can be commonly seen on glans penis, shaft of penis and scrotum and are usually multiple small, pinhead, painless, yellowish or whitish focally grouped macules or papules. Fordyce spots are non-infectious and totally harmless so, no treatment is required.
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