Oct 14, 2011 · Mystery condition makes woman age 50 years in just a few days Doctors have been left baffled by a strange condition which saw a woman of 23 age 50 years in a matter of days.
Asian American women have the lowest breast cancer screening rate among any segment of the population and are typically diagnosed at a later stage compared to other racial and ethnic groups. When Asian women migrate to the U.S., their risk of developing breast cancer increases up to six-fold.
Asian women can be categorically grouped as women from the Asian subregions of Central Asia, East Asia, North Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Western Asia (aka The Middle East). By country, women of Asia come from sovereign states such those women from Armenia , Iraq , Israel , Japan , Vietnam , and Yemen .
Status of Women in Asian Countries Women planning to teach in Asia can expect gender attitudes that are outdated by Western social standards. East Asian cultures are based on a traditional societal hierarchy in which women are the lowest members and must show deference to males.
East Asian cultures are based on a traditional societal hierarchy in which women are the lowest members and must show deference to males. Not long ago, Japanese women under forty were not allowed out of the house without good reason, and women were required to use a more humble form of language than men.
In most of South Asian countries, only women are thought to be responsible for producing the next generation, and the blame for the absence of the desired number of ren is unquestioningly placed on them, leading to a destabilization of their social status (9-11).
Asian Americans are most at risk for the following health conditions: cancer, heart disease, stroke, unintentional injuries (accidents), and diabetes. Asian Americans also have a high prevalence of the following conditions and risk factors: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, smoking, tuberculosis, and liver disease.
Rising numbers of Asian women are having pubic hair transplants to combat a rare medical condition. Surgeons are being increasingly called on to transplant hair from the heads of women, to their
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